What does the Course Import tool do?

The Course Import Tool makes it easy to extract course content, assignments, and quizzes from previous semesters and quickly import them into existing courses. The same tool is used to import course materials from different Learning Management Systems.

When Would I Use the Course Import Tool?

Located in the Course Settings sidebar, use the Course Import Tool to:

Copy an entire course from semester to semester, including Announcements and Discussions. You can adjust the events and due dates to coordinate with your current semester.

Select migrations content to select specific content you want copied. You can select individual Assignments, Pages, Files, and anything else from previous courses you or your colleagues have taught. The Course Import Tool supports keyboard navigation when selecting content to import.

Import course materials from different Learning Management Systems. The Course Import Tool does not import user content.

Choose Import Source

Some of the Learning Management Systems currently supported in the Course Import Tool include:

  • Copy a LMS Course
  • Canvas Course Export Package (courses that were previously exported from LMS)
  • Unzip .zip file into folder
  • Common Cartridge 1.0/1.1/1.2 Package
  • Moodle 1.9/2.x .zip file
  • QTI .zip file

Adjust Events and Due Dates

In addition to recreating the structure and content of the course, the Course Import Tool will intelligently re-schedule due dates and calendar events to the new date ranges of the new semester. Enter the beginning and end dates of the old semester [1], and then enter the dates of the new semester [2].

If you copy a Sublime LMS ™ course with beginning and end dates, those dates will be pre-populated in the initial date fields.

Note: You must enter both sets of beginning and end dates as accurately as possible for the dates to adjust correctly. Varied Due Dates will not be adjusted during the import.

Create Substitutions

In addition to date adjustments, you can also create substitutions and change the days of the week, such as if you need to change a MWF course to a TTH course. For instance, if you want to move all the Monday assignments to Tuesday, choose Sunday [1] and Monday [2], respectively, in the drop-down menus.

To remove a substitution, click the X icon [3].

Note: Substitutions will be applied to your import after Sublime LMS ™ has made the initial adjustment of course beginning and end dates.

View Current and Prior Imports

Once you have started in import, the Current Jobs menu will display the status of any reports in process, as well as any prior import history. The status menu will show the import status by color:

  1. Queued: gray
  2. Running: blue (displays a menu bar with the time remaining to generate the report)
  3. Pre-processing: gray (only appears when selecting course content; click the Select Content button to continue the import)
  4. Completed: green or orange (orange indicates an issue associated with the import; click the issue link to view the list)
  5. Failed: red

To correct any issue(s) that may have occurred with the import, you can use either the issue link(s) next to the import to access the course area directly, or you can use the standard course navigation menu to move around the course and correct the errors.